How to Draw Lips

Step 1:
To draw the lips in perfect shape initially start with the mid line of the lips as small u shape in the middle and extend with the lines on both the sides.
Step 2:
Then draw another u shape in the center above the line drawn and extend the lines as bow shape and join in the end of the mid line drawn already.
Step 3:
Once done with the upper and mid lip line lets draw the lower lips by just drawing the bowl shape curve joining the mid line on both the sides.
Step 4:
So finally you can do the shading using blending stump or ear buds so that you will get the realistic lip shape and shades. Here we are done with the front view of lips.
Step 5:
For lips side view you can draw the center vertical line and mark two points one nearer to the line and other littler far comparing to the other points marked already.
Step 6:
Draw u shape In the center and extend the lines and join with the mid line on both the sides and draw the lower lips as bowl shape by joining the lines to the mid line shown in the pic. And finally you can do the shading.

Step 7:
Lets draw the side view of the lips for that draw small line and extend the lines from the line drawn as shown in pic.
Step 8:
Draw a curve line perpendicular to the mid line of the lip and draw two upper and lower v shape lines form the mid line drawn touching the lines drawn initially.
Step 9:
Now you can erase the extra lines and join the lines drawn initially and the line drawn in step 8 to get the perfect lip shape.
Step 10:
Finally you can do the shading using blending stump or ear buds to get the realistic lips shape and effect.
Step 11:
Next mouth shape draw a mid line and upper lip line V shape and extend lines to join the mid line. Draw A shape lines from the V shape drawn in the upper lip line.
Step 12:
Draw the lower lip line joining the two A shape lines drawn and extend lines to join the mid lip line and separate the mid lip lines by drawing curvy lines. Finally do the shading using blending stump or ear buds.