How to Draw Eyes

Step 1:
First step to get the perfect shape of eyes you can draw two cross lines and from the center line mark two points with same distance and draw the upper eye lid and lower lids in curvy C shape .
Step 2:
Draw the pupil using dark pencil shade and a small circle or rectangle shape lines for light reflection.
Step 3:
Next step you can do the shading of upper pupil darker shade and lower pupil lighter than the upper shade so that you will get the real eyes pupil effect and if needed you can draw the thin strokes .
Step 4:
In this step draw the curvy lines above the upper eye lids and the lines for lashes as shown in the pic.
Step 5:
You can draw the lashes lines from the joining lines drawn in the upper eye lids as shown lash line should be as two parallel lines and one cross lines and small lines and finally shade the upper eyelids inner line darker.
Step 6:
Now let’s draw the side view of the eyes by drawing the small circle and V shape lines with oval shape inside for pupil.
Step 7:
Draw the curvy lines above the eye lids and join with the upper eye lid lines.
Step 8:
Erase the extra lines and draw the retina with darker pencil shades with rectangle reflection lines.
Step 9:
Let’s do the shading and draw the lashes follow the same procedure we used for front view eyes as shown in the pic.
Step 10:
Let’s draw the closed eyes by just drawing the bowl shape curved line and do lashes with small hair strokes as shown in the pic and finally do the shading.