How to draw a girl with beautiful dress and cap

How to draw a girl with beautiful dress and cap

Step 1 :

To draw any girl figure you can start from the hip so it will be easier for you to get perfect figure you can see from the above picture I have drawn small waist line and from that I started my sketching please follow the same procedure and steps .From the waist line draw a curvy lines and draw a dress with frills in it as I have drawn in above picture.

Step 2:

From the first frill draw a straight line and draw second and third layer with frills in it as you have done for the first layer you can see it in above pictures.

Step 3:

Will start with neck and extend lines for the left hand as shown in picture.

Step 4:

Once done with left hand will proceed to extend lines for right hand as she is holding her hat. Drawing hat is very simple initially draw a oval shape and mark two points from center of the hat and make a c shape curve and from there extend with two parallel lines and another small oval shape joining those two lines as shown in picture above.

Step 5:

End with her hair and we can start with shading using blending stump/ear buds. Shading is very important as that will highlight your sketching and it will give life to your drawing so you can give darker shade on folding of dress frills and lines so it will give you realistic effect illusion. Here I have used black sketches and shaded using blending stump or you can use ear buds but I prefer blending stump as you will get the perfect shading using it.

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