How to draw friends making heart symbol in hand

 How to draw friends making heart symbol in hand  


Step 1 :

Draw two circles and draw a straight line from the center of the circle.

Step 2:

For neck and shoulder imagine you are drawing an inverted flower bracket and join both the ends with simple curve lines. Once done you can draw a small circle in the mid of the circle drawn already and from that draw outline for hair for both the figures. For one girl I am going to draw curvy hairstyle and for the other girl I am going to draw a straight hair so I have drawn outline accordingly.

Step 3:

Here we can draw the frills for the both girls from the shoulder part by just drawing straight and curved lines and I have drawn the hair partition as shown in the above pic.

Step 4:

In this step I have drawn the hip with two slanting lines and the hand holding the other girl by drawing L shape line and another line parallel to the line drawn already. Then we can draw the fingers.

Step 5:

Let’s do the same for the other girl and once done with hand drawing will start with the skirt part by just drawing c shape curve facing towards each other and some frills in the bottom of the curve.

Do the same for the other girl just skirt pattern differs.

Step 6:

We can draw the other hands of the girls making heart shape symbol so for perfect shape you can start with the thumb finger of both the girl hands to join and then proceed with the other fingers as making heart shape.

Step 7:

We are done with the outlines now and we can start shading so in this step we gonna do hair strokes by just doing hatching tricks split the hair part and do strokes from the both the ends with thin lines for more clarification please check out hair drawing tutorial.

Step 8:

Final step will end with the shading and smudging of overall image. Start with the pencil light shades wherever required and do the smudging using blending stump or ear buds. Perfect shading gives you the effect for your drawings so do the shading and smudging perfectly even if it is more important for cloth folding .

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